DynaTree Root And Trunk Testing System (Alat Uji Pohon)

Stabilitas pohon kota adalah pertanyaan kunci yang mempengaruhi semua orang. Pohon perkotaan yang sakit dan tidak stabil menimbulkan banyak risiko bagi semua orang, dan merupakan tanggung jawab serius bagi pemerintah kota jika terjadi kecelakaan. Oleh karena itu penilaian stabilitas pohon merupakan hal yang paling penting. Saat ini, hanya ada satu metode yang diterima untuk penilaian stabilitas akar (uji tarikan inclino), sementara ada beberapa opsi untuk mengevaluasi kondisi batang (uji tarikan elasto, tomografi).

usage instruction

  1. Assemble the anemometer tower in the vicinity of the tree(s) to be assessed. Attach the anemometer on the top, and erect the tower. Wind velocity readings are sent to, and data is collected at the instrument box located at the bottom of the tower.
  2. Start recording data by pressing the START button located in the instrument box.
  3. Mount the inclinometer on the root collar of the tree to be assessed.
  4. Mount the elastometers onto the trunk of the tree to be assessed. Connect them to the central unit.
  5. Start recording data by pressing the START buttons located on the side of the instrument box.
  6. Repeat the previous 3 steps if you have more inclinometers and/or elastometers want to assess multiple trees.
  7. Record data for at least 3 hours (the longer the better).
  8. After the recordings are finished, transfer the acquired data to a PC by removing the internal SD card or by switching the instruments to Wi-Fi mode.
  9. Load the data into the DynaTree evaluation software and calculate the safety factor.

package content

  • Inclinometer recorder (min 1 pcs., recommended 3 pcs.)
  • Base plate with ball head
  • 2 elastometers in quick mounting house
  • Dual elastometer box
  • Screw and screwdriver
  • Software on CD
  • User’s manual
  • Lead batteries and charger
  • Alu case
  • Anemometer (ball type or ultrasonic) and recorder
  • 10 m portable pole
    • Alu tube (6 sections)
    • Steel anchor rod (3 pcs.)
    • 12 m long rope (3 pcs.)
    • Case

technical specification

Range 1100 mm or 1999 mm
Resolution 1 mm
Accuracy 2 mm
Weight 2.3 kg
Material Carbon fiber reinforced plastic, aluminium
Dimensions (packed) 77 cm x 18 cm x 11 cm
Dimensions (unpacked) 155 cm x 95 cm x 6 cm
Connection to PC Bluetooth